A growing trend away from consumer apps to secure messaging apps is about to get a significant global boost as some of the world’s biggest software companies embed mobile payment platforms in their messaging applications.

Identity theft and hacking until now have been the main drivers for the enterprise and government sectors to move to secure messaging. But that is rapidly changing. And everyday transaction payment capabilities in secure messaging apps will be a key driver with the ubiquitous spread of the “app culture”.

Soprano Design, a world leader in developing secure messaging technology, told the OTT Summit in Sydney the introduction of payment apps in everyday business by banks and credit card companies is going to accelerate the introduction by the mobile messaging giants.

Soprano Design discusses secure messaging and the future of SMS and payment platforms at the Australian OTT Summit

“In the history of mankind, the strategic landscape has not changed as quickly as it is at the moment and in this messaging space it’s certainly accelerating,” the company representative said.

“As one of China’s biggest online companies, TenCent’s WeChat, moves successfully into the mobile market, acquiring hundreds of millions of users, they’ve already introduced payment capabilities into the mobile apps.”

He said the simple daily activities like paying for a coffee will be transacted using an app.

“I click the icon of the coffee shop as I would if I wanted to be friends with you, if we’re just going to chat, and I can then pay for my coffee in the actual messaging app,” he explained.

“They only launched it last year and they’ve got 200 million credit cards. Of 600 million, one-third have now put out their credit card, linked it to their messaging application and are using that to conduct transactions.”

Who’s got the best messenger? It’s easy to claim you’re a leader in mobile messaging, but it’s another thing entirely to prove it.

  We’re wrapping up a fantastic year here at Soprano with the receipt of the prestigious Export Award for both New South Wales

Soprano Design recently appeared on Sky News with Peter Switzer to discuss enterprise use of mobile messages and how business messaging is different

Image: Asia Pacific Security Magazine Over at Asia Pacific Security Magazine, we’re talking about the security risks of enterprise mobile messaging, and who’s

Soprano Design is now qualified to provide secure mobile messaging via government information and communications technology (ICT) contracts in Queensland, Australia, via the

We’ve been hard at work here in Sydney to fulfill a number of customer requests with an updated version of our award-winning Soprano GAMMA app — including brand new features to help you improve productivity across your business.

What’s new in version 3.0? We’ve been working on the user experience and new features!

Soprano GAMMA 3.0 features an updated tabbed UI. 

New Tabbed UI

We’ve created tabs in the mobile client to sort your Recent conversations from your Contacts and added a handy Favourites tab – making it easier to find that person you want to speak with!

Location, Location, Location

Corporate A2P accounts can now request location data from opted-in user devices for delivery receipts, read receipts, and messages.

The growth of the enterprise mobile messaging market in Australia is set to accelerate following the commercial release of a world-first integrated and

Last week, we were interviewed on Sky News’ SkyBusiness TV segment about Soprano GAMMA, our award-winning, encrypted enterprise mobile messenger. We discuss the

We’ve just released SOPRANO GAMMA 2.0, the next generation of our award-winning, encrypted enterprise mobile messenger. The 2.0 release incorporates a couple of