GDPR Readiness

What is the GDPR?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) is a new privacy regulation with comprehensive privacy and security requirements intended to strengthen and unify data protection for individuals within the European Union (“EU”).

The GDPR was adopted by the European Parliament in April 2016 and became effective on May 25, 2018, replacing the current EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and national data protection laws in the EU based on the Directive.

How the GDPR will impact Soprano Design’s service offerings

Soprano Design welcomes the positive changes the GDPR is expected to bring by providing a consistent and unified data protection regime for companies across Europe and elsewhere.

We are committed to helping our customers to address the GDPR’s new requirements that are relevant to our service offerings, including any applicable data processor accountability requirements. Our service offerings already have built-in privacy and security features to put our customers in control and to help build message recipient trust.

What Soprano Design has done to prepare for the GDPR

Soprano Design has implemented the following:

Formal external audit was conducted, with results documented for:

  • Employees, Contractors, Customers, Suppliers, Candidates and Marketing Contacts
  • Compliance actions required

MEMS Data Protection Impact Assessment completed:

  • Documentation of product lawfulness, with respect to GDPR
  • Documentation of processing categories
  • Documentation of data handling
  • Documentation of additional product families, including: XSIT, WhiteSender, Foxtir

As a Data Processor providing services to European Data Controllers and Processors, Soprano Design is ready now to work with our partners to ensure they are providing an end-to-end compliant service.

Updated privacy and security policies as of 25th May 2018.

We invite you to review our current privacy policies that apply to the service offerings you have purchased or consider purchasing from Soprano Design. These can be found at:

If you have further questions about this document or about Soprano Design’s privacy policies, please consult your Soprano Design sales representative.