Message Security: What It Means And Why It’s A Business Essential

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Mobile message security and data security are closely linked but they’re not the same. Here’s a rundown of the difference between the two and why they both need to be treated just like any other aspect of your cyber-security.
Category: Mobile Messaging
Subject: CPaaS Platform, Secure Messaging
Detail: Intermediate
Author: Soprano Team

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What Does Message Security Really Mean In Your Business?

Data and message security are closely linked but they are not the same thing. I’ll lay out the commonalities between them, and also some key differences, to make the distinction clear.

However, it’s understandable that data and message security tend to be lumped together because when we think of mobile interactions, we see the two working hand-in-hand: the message being sent and the data that’s within the message (voice, SMS, files, GIFs, etc.) both need to remain secure to keep the consumer’s/patient’s/citizen’s trust in mobile interactions.

Let’s dive into data security first.

Data here, there and everywhere

Data consists of any intellectual property a company has – even down to a simple name or a line of code. All of this is stored somewhere. It can be in servers that are at the location, servers completely away from the company, or even in the cloud. Shoot, it can be all three! You’re probably familiar with the concept of the cloud given our phone’s capabilities of storing our data in the cloud, so I’ll save that for another day.

As we look at today’s techier world, companies want and need to be smart with the data they store and how they store it. They have a choice about where to store data, but when it comes to what data they store, they have regulations like GDPR and CCPA to comply with. Since data contains anything from archived images to the most valuable assets, securing it is crucial.

Keeping data secure can mean anything from implementing firewalls, having security software installed on each user’s devices, two-factor/biometric authorization, or a multitude of security software protecting the data on and off-premise and in the cloud.

It’s a challenging task to not only protect data that’s sitting idle, but also data that’s moving from one place to another. CTOs, CSOs and CISOs build out infrastructure to keep this data safe from internal and external threats, like hackers.

One more thing: if data is being collected and stored from around the world, like we do at Soprano Design, companies are also required by each nation to follow data sovereignty laws to make sure the data stays in the confines of specific areas and doesn’t transfer over to different nations.

Message security

Often, we take for granted how our private messages get sent from one place to the next. What we don’t think about enough is. 1. Is this truly secure? And 2. How would I know?

Those two questions open a bigger point about message security. This is the part you need to understand as a user – who is actually delivering your message and where is it going?

For instance, in most countries, users sign up with a mobile network operator (MNO) as their cell phone service provider. Businesses can do the same thing. That provider receives and sends the messages sent via text, email, voice, etc. Message security – in other words, knowing that your messages are encrypted, stored somewhere safe (like a private server), and that only certain people have access to that message which means it is safe even while in the process of reaching its end destination – is essentially peace of mind.

Businesses use mobile messaging as a way to engage with their customers, report outages, send appointment reminders and provide two-factor authentication. Wouldn’t it make sense for all of that to already be secure so that you don’t ever need to worry about it?

That’s exactly the level of message security that businesses and MNOs need to live up to, and Soprano Design is enabling the largest enterprises and governments around the world to do so. Yes, it would be easier to not have these regulations, but at Soprano we figure out solutions that adhere to all regulations, to give our customers a secure mobile messaging platform. We help solve even the most complex communications problems and unleash the potential of communications, all while giving everyone peace of mind.

For more about message security processes and how Soprano can help your business stay secure, visit:

Frequantly Asked Questions:

  1. How does message security differ from data security, and what specific measures are taken to ensure the security of messages in mobile interactions? Message security differs from data security in that it focuses specifically on securing the transmission of messages, such as text, email, and voice communications, rather than the protection of stored data. Measures to ensure message security include encryption of messages during transmission, storage in secure environments such as private servers, and restricted access to message content. These measures help maintain the integrity and confidentiality of messages as they travel from sender to recipient in mobile interactions. 
  2. The article mentions the importance of complying with regulations like GDPR and CCPA for data security. Are there similar regulations or standards that specifically address message security, and how do businesses ensure compliance in this aspect? While data security regulations like GDPR and CCPA primarily address the protection of stored data, there are also industry standards and regulations that govern message security. For instance, telecommunications and data protection laws may require encryption of certain types of messages and specify protocols for secure transmission. Businesses must ensure compliance with these regulations by implementing appropriate security measures for their messaging platforms and adhering to industry best practices. 
  3. The article highlights the role of mobile network operators (MNOs) in message delivery. What steps do MNOs take to secure the messages they transmit, and how can businesses verify the security practices of their chosen MNO to ensure message security? Mobile network operators (MNOs) play a crucial role in ensuring message security by facilitating the transmission of messages between users and managing the infrastructure that supports mobile communications. MNOs employ various security protocols and technologies to protect messages during transmission, including encryption and secure network protocols. Businesses can verify the security practices of their chosen MNO by conducting due diligence, reviewing security certifications and compliance documents, and engaging in discussions with MNO representatives about their security measures and protocols. This helps businesses ensure that their messages are transmitted securely and that their communication networks are resilient against potential threats and vulnerabilities.